New Zealand Blog

feel free, do something interesting


This last weekend of the holidays we had to clean up a little bit, because of our vacation trip to the south-island. Then we prepared the food for the dinner. We made some very nice Kiwi salad, but it takes some time to do all the cutting.

Afterwards we met with friends and had a lovely BBQ together. May and Manuela do and did their horse riding at their place. It was a long and beautiful evening.

On sunday we had a very quiet time. That was very good in preparation for the first school day tomorrow after the two weeks off. Lets see what the new week will bring.

Vorheriger Beitrag

Travelmap the upper loop

Nächster Beitrag

Strange Week

1 Kommentar

  1. Sandra

    Hallo ihr Lieben,
    habe gerade eure letzten zwei Wochen gelesen. Urlaub im Urlaub, wer hat das schon. Toll, was ihr so erlebt und die Landschaft ist ja wirklich traumhaft schön 🙂 Ich genieße auch das schöne Wetter hier und hab schon tolle Radtouren rund um Leichlingen gemacht und lerne hier immer neue schöne Ecken kennen. Viele Grüße auch von Udo ans andere Ende der Welt. Sandra

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